Thank you for attending “Money Talks.”

Remember, by applying what you learn at our 2024 SBDC session, you’ll unlock:

  • More engagement
  • More motivation
  • More empathy
  • More money
Zebulon LLC: Financial Executive for the outdoor adventure industry.
This year’s presentation deck:
Resources from Zebulon LLC:
Other Resources:
Three sketch-style images conveying the words "educate, communicate, and delegate."
Zebulon LLC: Financial Executive for the outdoor adventure industry.

Here are the details of the activity we completed at the end of our session.

If you’re just now starting this activity – be as specific as possible! Specificity is what will make implementing an Employee Ownership Culture easier for you.

Write down the following:

  1. One culture aspect you’re proud of
  2. One culture aspect you’d like to improve
  3. One concrete action to take toward improving it
  4. Exactly which financial details you will share…
  5. … and with whom you’ll share those details.
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