At Zebulon LLC, we believe the best way to grow an outdoor adventure business is through collaboration, accountability, and access to cutting-edge industry data.

The Eddy peer group by Zebulon LLC.

That’s why in September 2023 we launched The Eddy, our unique, non-competitive peer group designed specifically for outfit owners and leaders to pursue business growth alongside like-minded individuals.

Eddy members gave us rave reviews during the first year, so we knew we were onto something good. However, we decided to refine and adjust our offering to make The Eddy even more of an asset to members.

Here’s a closer look at what makes this peer group so powerful, and how it’s evolving.

What Outfitters Want: Feedback-Driven Enhancements

We walked our talk about businesses seeking growth and engagement, so we conducted a satisfaction survey of all Eddy members. In doing so, we received valuable feedback on what members love and what they want to see more of.

We’re thrilled we received an average score of 4.8 (on a scale of 1 to 5) for the statement, “Participating in The Eddy has been a valuable experience for me.”

Based on other survey feedback, we’re excited to share the evolution of The Eddy as we enter its second year. Not only have we enhanced our monthly curriculum, but we’ve also introduced a specialized Off-Season Accelerator for members who want to take their outfit operations to the next level – more about that below.

The Power of Non-Competitive Collaboration

Our goal when we launched The Eddy in 2023 was simple: provide a non-competitive opportunity for outfitters to pursue business growth and accountability with top-tier peers.

In our work with clients, we see too many outfit owners and top leaders operating in isolation (it’s a lonely place at the top). Hence, we decided to build a community where members can share openly and learn from each other without worrying about revealing vulnerable data or competitive secrets. In fact, we ask all group members to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, meaning confidential data on passenger counts and revenue can flow freely.

So, forget the competition. In The Eddy, you’ll build long-lasting relationships with nationwide peers who face the same challenges and opportunities you do. The value of this support system – and the way we safeguard your private info – cannot be overstated.

What’s New in Year Two

The Eddy offers an ideal environment for outfit owners to strengthen their businesses, develop leadership skills, and foster collaboration. As we head into Year Two, The Eddy is no longer just a place for group accountability, it’s evolved into true a hub for innovation and strategic planning.

Our Proprietary, Industry-Specific Curriculum

This isn’t your generic leadership program. Our built-from-the-ground-up curriculum is designed to offer the same level of insight and strategic thinking you’d find in an MBA program. Simultaneously, it’s tailored specifically toward the challenges and opportunities facing outfitters and seasonal businesses.

We aren’t kidding when we say this is MBA-caliber – in fact, our curriculum parallels Stanford’s first-year MBA program, but with an outdoor industry spin. Picture less business school jargon and macroeconomics, more getting butts in boats and retaining the best guides season after season.

Key curriculum topics this year include:

  • Employee engagement initiatives
  • SWOT analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
  • Refining and communicating company vision
  • Working strengths assessments
  • Deep dives into leadership styles and application
  • A roadmap for supervisors
  • Building win-win incentive plans
  • … and more.

Knowledge is Power: Data Shares and Industry Analyses

At least once per quarter we host an Eddy session dedicated to seasonal trends. In these meetings, we compare members’ booking data on activities and lodging, providing unparalleled insights into industry developments and peer benchmarking. The discussions spurred by sharing data helps our members stay ahead of the curve and make informed business decisions.

Feedback shows our attendees rank these data share sessions, and the ability to gain input from other members, as highly valuable. In fact, the average survey response to the statement, “I value the input, experiences, and participation of fellow Eddy members” scored a whopping average of 4.9 (on a scale of 1 to 5).

The Off-Season Accelerator: Group Sales

We’re excited to introduce a specialized cohort this year focused on driving group sales – an initiative we believe will counter the national drop in general bookings. Over twelve weeks, members will receive targeted coaching and sales tactics, ultimately leading to greater revenue growth while also instilling employee ownership mindsets in young leaders.

Initiatives will include performing customer analyses and carrying out market research. This way, participants can craft a more refined and replicable approach to providing memorable experiences to larger groups.

We’re first going to lean into historical booking data to isolate key target audiences, then guide members through marketing calls to uncover their true brand promise as viewed by existing loyal customers. Next, we’ll focus on acquiring referral leads, a lead source which in our experience convert withs minimal effort compared to traditional lead sources. Finally, we’ll use all the new-found information brought to surface by the accelerator program to increase future group sales and corresponding revenue.

Not only will members actively increase the lifetime value of some of their historically best clients, but they’ll also receive accountability checks during a time when accountability is notoriously absent – the off-season.

A graphic showing the 2024-2025 calendar for the Eddy, Zebulon LLC's leadership peer group.

The ’24-’25 Eddy group curriculum at-a-glance.

The Impact So Far: Transformative Outcomes for Our Members

We could spend all day talking about The Eddy, but the real proof is in the pudding. Here are a handful of ways our peer group has made a tangible difference for its members.

Implementation of New Initiatives

11 out of 12 of first-year members successfully implemented initiatives inspired by our group discussions. That’s an adoption rate over 91%!

Whether it’s refining your big-picture vision for your company, improving employee engagement, or intentionally filling out your business’s depth chart with high-performing leaders, rest assured our curriculum is full of relevant, timely, and immediately applicable projects.

Substantial Support from the Zebulon Team

Not only do we present the curriculum in applicable and engaging ways, but we make sure the Zebulon team is also in the trenches with our clients.

In conjunction with the curriculum themes, we’re committed to providing as much support as it takes for Eddy members to be able to carry out our suggested initiatives. From building custom workbooks, to executing advanced analyses on outfit-specific data sets, we guide members through the entire process, start to finish.

Testimonials from Year One Participants

We think the results speak for themselves. Members not only improved their businesses but also gained peace of mind knowing they are part of a supportive, high-caliber network.

But don’t take our word for it: here are some reviews direct from Eddy members themselves:

“Having a pulse on the industry more than just our little microcosm is very nice. I also really love getting to learn from people who have spent a lot of energy building incredible outdoor companies around the US.  It’s the best place for someone eager to soak up the wisdom of those who have proven themselves in this industry!”


The Eddy is a shining light in my week.”

A stylized quotation that reads,

What Potential Members Can Expect

Bi-Weekly Time Investment

The Eddy convenes every other week for 90-minute meetings. This means members spend just under 40 hours for the whole year participating in our Zoom webinar sessions.  (That’s in addition to whatever time they spend outside meetings, brainstorming projects and implementing initiatives they’ve learned about in The Eddy.) This comparatively small time investment leads to exponential growth and learning.

For context, the Zebulon team clocked over 250 collective hours dedicated to The Eddy in the first year, building the curriculum, delivering sessions, performing metric analyses, and more. That’s over six full working weeks! We take building the content and curriculum extremely seriously, and we’re committed to putting in as much behind-the-scenes work as it takes for members to want to carve time out of their busy schedules to attend.

Group Specifics & Criteria

By joining The Eddy, members aren’t just getting a network; they’re gaining an intimate community focused on business development. This means we limit the group to just two to three participants from each outfit, with a maximum of 12-15 members at any time. All participants must be actively on-retainer with Zebulon LLC.

Spaces are limited, so we give priority to outfit owners and top leaders who demonstrate they’re ready to engage, learn, implement, and grow alongside the best in the business.

In Conclusion: The Future of Leadership and Growth for Outfitters

As the outdoor adventure industry continues to evolve, staying ahead of trends and challenges is crucial. For any outfitter looking to break through growth barriers and find new opportunities, it’s clear The Eddy is the place to be.

So, whether you’re looking to join a robust community of outfit owners, explore new business strategies, or simply stay ahead of industry trends, let The Eddy be your pathway to success. Join us and become part of the peer network that’s leading the future of outdoor business growth!

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