Four Steps To Improve Business Financial Health
Four Steps You Can Take Today That Will Improve Your Business’s Financial Health Tomorrow. How do you know if your business is financially fit? Well… It’s not what the Jones tell you.
What the Meal?!
There's a lot of buzz out there about the tax reform. Overall, from what we've seen, it's going to benefit most all of our clients. We've done some 'high-level' calculations and have noted significant drops in tax liabilities across the board. However, you, like...
Recordkeeping Part II: Methods To Run A Healthy Business
Many businesses combine the cash basis and accrual basis accounting methods. Many businesses report taxes on the cash basis but leverage the tracking and reporting capabilities of the accrual basis. These owners often monitor their business...
Recordkeeping Part I: Covering The Basics
Adequate and appropriate recordkeeping is essential for any business and non-profit organization. As an accountant, I am frequently asked these questions about recordkeeping: What records do I need if I were audited by the IRS? Why do I need to keep evidence...