It’s no secret that our values at Zebulon are to work smart, have fun, and make money. In this blog, we’ll dive into what it really means to “make money” with Zebulon LLC.

What “Make Money” Means to Zebulon

The root goal of making money, according to Zebulon, is to increase our collective standards of giving. Yes, you read that right, to increase our standards of giving.

Zebulon’s purpose is to grow wealth: our client’s wealth, our employees’ wealth, and the wealth of everyone we come in contact with. Our mission is to grow wealth so that everyone in our community can comfortably and graciously give more to the people and organizations that matter most to them.

Everything we do as a business boils down to helping our audience generate more income. This means increasing our audience’s wealth so that everyone, on their own accord and in their own way, can distribute that wealth to owners, employees, families, communities (on the local, national, and international level), and all other missions they believe in.

Growing Wealth to Increase Standards of Giving

When it comes to our clients, we strategically apply our talents to help each one make more money, so that they can increase their own standards of giving. Our clients then use these funds to benefit both their employees’ worlds and their own worlds. 

Visualization showing the annual increase in wealth fueled by working with Zebulon LLC ($101k).

On the employee side of things, heftier funds created by partnering with Zebulon go straight toward affording raises, bonuses, perks, and other benefits. 

On the owner’s side of things, partnering with Zebulon significantly increases an outfit owner’s personal wealth. This increased wealth elevates profits and provides opportunities to reinvest earnings, generate even more wealth, and further increase the owner’s standards of giving.

Two visualizations showing the average wealth generated over three years, and the total accumulated wealth after a 3-year-long partnership with Zebulon LLC.

Giving Back, the Zebulon Way

Of course, the Zebulon team also lives by this standards of giving creed. In 2022, Zebulon LLC team members donated directly to two organizations we believe in.

We spent over $6,400 dollars at the Big Hearts Under the Big Sky annual fundraiser, a charity program run by our friends at the Montana Outfitter & Guides Association. We also donated $18,000 in services to the Colorado River Outfitters Association’s annual fundraising banquet.

Additionally, we prioritize sponsoring meals, coffee stations, beer carts, and more at the industry conferences we attend. In 2022 alone, we spent an accumulated $5,500 on conference sponsorships. 

Some folks may read this and say, “Hey Zeb! Sponsoring a meal or drink cart at conferences isn’t an act of giving, that’s just plain advertising.”

Perhaps. But as anyone who has ever sponsored a beer cart at a conference knows, the return on these investments, in strictly financial terms, is near zero. These investments are acts of giving that support the organizations’ missions. Plus, the return on knowing we’re bringing people together over a cold one is priceless. 

Bringing It Home

This elevated standard of giving creed extends far beyond the business, and powerfully impacts our personal lives as well. 

Did you know Zeb sets aside a tenth of his personal income to give back to his communities? 

Zeb’s donations align with his personal servant leadership style, and are on-par with the traditional practice of tithing. He takes10% of what he brings home to make cash donations, whether locally at his church or through community non-profits, and perform acts of kindness like buying random people’s meals at local diners.

Stylized quote, in Zebulon branded colors, that reads

If you’d like to grow your wealth, and if the idea of increasing “standards of giving” resonates as deeply with you as it does with us, send us a message! We’d love to hear from you and see how we can be of service.

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